to Back to the Future and The Sixth Sense. Few producers were better poised to do that, given her legacy of crowd-pleasers ranging from E.T. When she took over Lucasfilm in 2012, Kennedy’s primary goal was to rejuvenate Star Wars with a new era of films, after a trilogy of prequels that underwhelmed many fans. The transition was not an obvious pivot for an empire built on movies. They’re wiping out anybody who’s in their way.” By journey’s end, Andor’s path will be to block theirs. “Then we see another planet that’s completely taken apart in a colonial kind of way. “His adopted home will become the base of our whole first season, and we watch that place become radicalized,” Gilroy says. It’s about him being really revolution-averse, and cynical, and lost, and kind of a mess.” The story begins with the destruction of Andor’s birth world, then follows him into adulthood, when he realizes he can’t run forever. “This guy gave his life for the galaxy, right? I mean, he consciously, soberly, without vanity or recognition, sacrificed himself. Gilroy breathes deep and reveals a little more about Andor. It defines you in many ways, and what you are willing to do.” “That feeling of having to move is behind this story, very profoundly and very strong. “It’s the journey of a migrant,” he says.
Luna describes Andor as a refugee story, with desperate people fleeing the Empire at the full force of its power. He was especially glad that Gilroy’s proposal included details that resonated personally. On that day in mid-2019, when Luna was recruited for Andor, the actor remembers looking out the car window at the rooftops of the adjacent buildings, visualizing the tale about resistance-minded spies and near-death escapes. “He will either embrace it or really go the other way. “Our little boy has been born into this massive Star Wars family,” says McGregor, whose son with Winstead was born last summer. Lucasfilm hadn’t previously confirmed rumors that Mary Elizabeth Winstead will be in Ahsoka, but…now they don’t have to.
“My partner, Mary, is doing that Star Wars series with Rosario and she’s about to start,” he says. McGregor-who wrestled with joining the galaxy in the late ’90s and wrestled again with whether to return-says the gig has saturated his life. It’s a bountiful time to be a Star Wars obsessive, to say the least.
For this story, Lucasfilm has lifted the secrecy surrounding its TV universe and how it formed, as universes do, under immense pressure. Now, with 130 million subscribers waiting, Disney has upped its demands to three separate Star Wars shows within a year.

This winter, The Book of Boba Fett delivered a redemption story nearly four decades after the title character’s apparent demise in Return of the Jedi. The Mandalorian, we know now, became a global phenomenon, which only raised expectations. Disney+ would need the firepower of many Star Wars shows to compete against rival titans like Netflix and Amazon. Then, in 2017, Lucasfilm was tasked with trying again, this time making not one series but a whole fleet to bolster its parent company’s streaming ambitions. Scripts were written and test footage shot, but the level of quality he was looking for proved to be too expensive for a TV budget. George Lucas himself had attempted, and abandoned, a live-action Star Wars series called Underworld before he sold Lucasfilm to the Walt Disney Company in 2012.