Customer service number posted had an estimated wait time of 10 HOURS and online chat 43 minutes. Also, calling or online chat is a waste of energy. Some cleaning solution and a magic eraser seem so simple. I’m also attaching a picture of the inside of the plane above me. I’m from Seattle but will check Alaska Airlines off my list for future travel.

The people sitting around waiting with me feel the same. They need to give up on Nashville BNA -Seattle SEA if they can’t support the route. I am asking to be moved to another airline. I have 2 more flights booked in June and July to Nashville. I’m sitting here on a hard metal chair while my business associates are probably in a restaurant or bar relaxing. Then discover no one mans the kiosk except at 6am and 2:30pm. I get to the Nashville airport today to find no one at their kiosk. Very disappointed with first part of my trip. They had no other flights until 5:40pm the next day! Ended up having to switch to Delta and arrived in the middle of the night. My morning flight out of Seattle was cancelled. Risky business if you really need to get to Nashville. First and foremost, Alaska Airlines has 2 flights a day to Nashville and out of Nashville. ✅ Trip Verified | My company booked a round trip flight from Seattle to Nashville with Alaska Airlines (for business). The whole episode has left me in a horrible state. Bottom line is that if safety in their number one concern then they really didn’t exhibit any behavior that supports that on flight 156 May 24, 2022. Then he went on the say that they would review the situation and perhaps ban me from the airline. Who started off his speale with – safety is our first priority and thanked me for being an MVP. Next up was the Alaska Airlines representative. The police said they were not going to arrest me. I recalled the same story that I’ve written here. The police directed me to an area where we could talk. We walked out and at the gate were several of the first class cabin passengers speaking with airline representatives. I sat waiting until they directed me to leave the plane where an Alaska Airline representative and several police were waiting for me. The other passengers in the cabin were telling the flight attendant that they wanted to report the whole issue to customer service. They already had experience with this man and thought it was alright to let him get on another flight and sit next to someone. Also the man had been on an early flight with the same flight crew. The flight attendant proceeds to say that there was nothing he could do because the man was not drinking or on drugs. While he was there pointing to me several people in the cabin spoke up and said that he was missing the point in trying to deflect the problem to me. Moments later the male flight attendant comes down the aisle and points to me and says that when we land I need to stay in my seat. I then just quietly went back to my seat. He pointed to a female flight attendant behind me. He immediately recoiled and said that I hit him and he has a witness. I tapped him on his upper arm and said – thank you – in a sarcastic manner.

Most importantly he didn’t show any empathy to me about what was happening in the cabin.

He offered no solutions, didn’t seem the least bit interested in assisting me with the situation.
He did say that the flight was full and there was no place to move me. The flight attendant did not make eye contact with me and barely paid attention to what I was saying. I told the flight attendant that the man was creating a disturbance and that I wanted some relief – seat change perhaps. I got up to speak to the flight attendant in the front of the cabin. Many people in the first class cabin were aware of what he was doing and they were disturbed by him. I didn’t even feel safe to drink my water. He would take breaks every once in a while but get right back into it. Now this behavior continued through most of the flight. What was worse was his was coughing and hacking without a mask or covering his mouth. After about a half hour into the flight he started to talk out loud mostly using foul language and moving his arms around in a very erratic way. He started out the flight being fairly silent. I was seated in the third row at a window seat. At the end of the day I returned to the airport for my return trip home. ✅ Trip Verified | I took a day trip to meet an old friend.